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1. 作为可数名词,intention通常指某人特定的目的或打算。这个意思通常与动词“have”连用,表示某人拥有或具有某种意图。:

- I have no intention of quitting my job. (我没有辞职的打算。)

- What's your intention in coming here? (你来这里是有什么目的?)

2. 作为不可数名词,intention则指一种抽象的概念,即“意向、意志力”。这个意思通常与动词“with”连用,表示某人做事情时所持有的态度或动机。:

- She acted with good intentions, but the result was disastrous. (她是出于好心行事,但结果却很糟糕。)

- He always does things with the best of intentions. (他总是出于最好的意愿去做事。)


1. She said it with the best of intentions, but it ended up hurting his feelings.(她出于最好的意愿说了那句话,但结果却伤害了他的感情。)

2. I have no intention of getting married anytime soon.(我没有近期结婚的打算。)

3. His intention was to surprise her on her birthday, but she found out about the plan beforehand.(他本来想在她生日那天给她一个惊喜,但她提前知道了这个计划。)

4. The company's intention is to expand its market share in the next quarter.(公司的目标是在下个季度扩大市场份额。)

5. He acted with malicious intentions, trying to sabotage his colleague's project.(他出于恶意行事,试图破坏同事的项目。)


1. purpose:表示“目的、意图”,与intention相似,但更加正式和正式。:His purpose in life is to help others. (他的人生目标是帮助他人。)

2. aim:表示“目标、目的”,强调做某事时所追求的具体结果。:My aim is to become a successful writer one day. (我的目标是有朝一日成为一名成功的作家。)

3. motive:表示“动机、原因”,通常指导致某人做某事的内在动力或原因。:What was his motive for committing the crime? (他犯罪的动机是什么?)

4. objective:表示“客观的、不带个人情感的”,与intention相比更加客观和中立。:The objective of this study is to determine the effectiveness of the new drug. (这项研究的目标是确定这种新药的有效性。)

5. plan:表示“计划、打算”,强调事先做好安排或准备。:What's your plan for the weekend? (你周末有什么计划?)
