导读:意思:指具有某种能力或才能的,可以用来形容一个人或物体具备的能力。 用法:ability作为名词时,表示能力,而作为形容词时,则表示具备
1. She has the ability to speak three different languages fluently. (她有流利地说三种不同语言的能力。)
2. This new software has the ability to detect viruses in real-time. (这款新软件具备实时检测病毒的能力。)
3. He showed great ability in solving complex mathematical problems. (他在解决复杂数学问题方面表现出色的能力。)
4. The car's advanced technology gives it the ability to self-drive on highways. (这辆汽车拥有自动驾驶高速公路的能力,得益于先进的技术。)
5. The team's ability to work together efficiently led to their success in completing the project ahead of schedule. (团队高效协作的能力使得他们提前完成了项目并取得成功。)
1. Capability:指某人或物体所具备的潜在能力,强调潜在性和发展性。
例句:The new employee has shown great capability in handling difficult tasks. (新员工展现出在处理困难任务方面潜在的优秀能力。)
2. Competence:指某人或物体在某一领域内所具备的能力,强调实际应用和实践。
例句:The company values employees' competence in problem-solving. (公司重视员工在解决问题方面的能力。)
3. Proficiency:指某人或物体熟练掌握某项技能或知识,强调熟练程度。
例句:She has achieved a high level of proficiency in playing the piano. (她在钢琴演奏方面达到了高水平的熟练程度。)
4. Aptitude:指某人天生具备的潜在能力,强调天赋和天生的才能。
例句:His natural aptitude for languages has made him a polyglot. (他天生对语言有天赋,因此成为了一个多语种者。)
5. Skillful:指某人或物体具备的精湛技巧,强调经验和技艺。
例句:The chef's skillful use of spices made the dish delicious. (厨师巧妙地运用香料使得这道菜变得美味。)