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seattle是什么意思 seattle它是美国西北地区最大的城市

导读:1. Seattle是美国华盛顿州的一座城市,位于太平洋西北部的普吉特海湾地区。它是美国西北地区最大的城市,也是华盛顿州最大的城市,被称...

1. Seattle是美国华盛顿州的一座城市,位于太平洋西北部的普吉特海湾地区。它是美国西北地区最大的城市,也是华盛顿州最大的城市,被称为“绿色之城”。

2. Seattle是一个拥有浓厚文化氛围和多元化人口的城市。它被誉为美国最具创造力和创新力的城市之一,拥有众多知名企业总部如亚马逊、星巴克等。同时,Seattle也是一个充满活力和活力的城市,拥有丰富多彩的文化活动和娱乐场所。

3. 读音:[sitl]。

4. 用例:

(1) I'm planning a trip to Seattle next month.

(2) Have you been to Seattle before? It's a beautiful city.

(3) The Space Needle is one of the most famous landmarks in Seattle.

(4) I love the coffee culture in Seattle, there are so many great coffee shops to choose from.

(5) The music scene in Seattle is amazing, I can't wait to go to some concerts while I'm there.

5. 组词:Seattleite (西雅图居民), Seattlean (西雅图人), Seattlesque (具有西雅图特色的), Seattlism (对西雅图文化或生活方式的喜爱).

6. 中英文对照:

Seattle是什么地方?What is Seattle?

Seattle的特点有哪些?What are the characteristics of Seattle?

读音读法:Pronunciation: [sitl]


(1) 我计划下个月去西雅图旅行。I'm planning a trip to Seattle next month.

(2) 你去过西雅图吗?那是一个美丽的城市。Have you been to Seattle before? It's a beautiful city.

(3) 太空针是西雅图最著名的地标之一。The Space Needle is one of the most famous landmarks in Seattle.

(4) 我喜欢西雅图的咖啡文化,那里有很多好的咖啡店可选择。I love the coffee culture in Seattle, there are so many great coffee shops to choose from.

(5) 西雅图的音乐场景非常棒,我迫不及待要去参加一些音乐会。The music scene in Seattle is amazing, I can't wait to go to some concerts while I'm there.

组词:Word formation:

Seattleite (西雅图居民), Seattlean (西雅图人), Seattlesque (具有西雅图特色的), Seattlism (对西雅图文化或生活方式的喜爱).

