导读:1. So disappointed的意思是非常失望的,感到极度沮丧的。这个短语通常用来形容某人对某件事情或某种情况感到非常失望和沮丧,表达强烈...
1. So disappointed的意思是非常失望的,感到极度沮丧的。这个短语通常用来形容某人对某件事情或某种情况感到非常失望和沮丧,表达强烈的消极情绪。
2. So disappointed的读音为/s dspntd/,其中第一个单词so发音为/s/,意为“那么”;第二个单词disappointed发音为/dspntd/,意为“失望的”。
3. So disappointed的用例:
- I was so disappointed when I didn't get the job I wanted.
- She was so disappointed with her test results that she cried.
- We were all so disappointed when the concert was cancelled.
- He was so disappointed with his team's performance that he decided to quit.
- They were so disappointed with the movie that they left halfway through.
4. So disappointed的组词:
- Disappointment (n.) 失望
- Disappoint (v.) 使失望
- Disappointing (adj.) 令人失望的
- Disappointedly (adv.) 失望地
- Unhappy (adj.) 不开心的,不满意的
5. So disappointed的中英文对照:
英文:So disappointed; extremely disheartened
6. 总结:So disappointed是一个用来形容强烈消极情绪的短语,通常用来表达对某件事情或某种情况感到非常失望和沮丧。它可以用来形容个人的感受,也可以用来形容团队、电影等事物。除了作为独立词组使用外,它还可以衍生出其他词汇,如disappointment、disappoint、disappointing等。总之,当我们遇到令人失望和沮丧的事情时,可以用so disappointed来表达内心真实的感受。