导读:1. seams是指两块材料或物体连接处的缝隙或接缝。:The seams of the dress were sewn with great precision.(这条连衣裙的接...
1. seams是指两块材料或物体连接处的缝隙或接缝。:The seams of the dress were sewn with great precision.(这条连衣裙的接缝做得非常精细。)
2. seams也可以指裤子、衣服等服装上的褶皱,通常是指衣服的线条或褶皱。:Her skirt was adorned with delicate seams.(她的裙子上有精致的褶皱。)
3. 在地质学中,seams也可以指岩石层之间的裂缝。:The miners had to dig through layers of rock and cross several seams to reach the coal deposit.(矿工们不得不挖掘多层岩石,穿越几处裂缝才能到达煤矿脉。)
4. 在木工和建筑行业,seams也可以指木板、墙壁等表面上的接缝。:The carpenter carefully sanded down the seams of the table to make it smooth and even.(木匠仔细打磨桌子的接缝,使其光滑平整。)
5. 在航海和航空领域,seams也可以指飞机或船只上连接两个部件的接头处。:The mechanics checked all the seams of the aircraft before takeoff to ensure there were no leaks or cracks.(机械师在起飞前检查了飞机的所有接头处,确保没有漏水或裂缝。)
1. The dress was beautifully tailored with seamless seams.(这条裙子做工精美,接缝无缝隙。)
2. After hours of hiking, the seams of my backpack started to dig into my shoulders.(长时间的徒步旅行后,我的背包接缝开始刺进我的肩膀。)
3. The geologist studied the seams in the rock formations to determine their age and composition.(地质学家研究岩层中的裂缝以确定其年龄和成分。)
4. The carpenter used wood filler to fill in the seams between the planks of the floor.(木匠用木蜡填补地板板条之间的接缝。)
5. The pilot noticed a small hole near one of the seams on the plane's wing and immediately reported it for repairs.(飞行员注意到飞机机翼上一处接头附近有一个小洞,并立即报告进行修理。)
1. seamless (adj.) 无缝隙的;无接缝的
2. seamstress (n.) 女裁缝;女裁缝师
3. seamanship (n.) 航海术;船舶操纵技巧
4. seamster (n.) 男裁缝;男裁缝师
5. seamer (n.) 缝纫机;接缝机
1. The seams of the dress were sewn with great precision.(这条连衣裙的接缝做得非常精细。)
2. Her skirt was adorned with delicate seams.(她的裙子上有精致的褶皱。)
3. The miners had to dig through layers of rock and cross several seams to reach the coal deposit.(矿工们不得不挖掘多层岩石,穿越几处裂缝才能到达煤矿脉。)
4. The carpenter carefully sanded down the seams of the table to make it smooth and even.(木匠仔细打磨桌子的接缝,使其光滑平整。)
5. The mechanics checked all the seams of the aircraft before takeoff to ensure there were no leaks or cracks.(机械师在起飞前检查了飞机的所有接头处,确保没有漏水或裂缝。)