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monitored是什么意思 monitored可以指对某人或某物进行持续的观察和检查





1. be monitored:被监测、被监控

:The patient's vital signs were closely monitored during the surgery.(手术期间密切监测病人的生命体征。)

2. monitor something:监测、监控某事物

:We need to monitor the air quality in this area regularly.(我们需要定期监测这个地区的空气质量。)

3. monitor someone/something for something:对某人/某物进行某项检查

:The teacher is monitoring the students for any signs of cheating during the exam.(老师在考试期间对学生进行作弊检查。)

4. monitor someone/something closely/carefully/vigilantly:密切/仔细/惕地监视某人/某事物

:The security guards are monitoring the building closely for any suspicious activities.(保安们正在密切监视大楼,防止有可疑活动。)

5. monitor progress/performance:监测进展/表现

:The company has been monitoring the progress of the project closely.(公司一直在密切监测项目的进展。)


1. The government has been monitoring the situation in the affected areas since the earthquake struck.

2. The new software allows us to monitor our website traffic in real time.

3. The doctor will closely monitor your blood pressure and heart rate during the treatment.

4. The police are monitoring the suspect's phone calls for any clues to his whereabouts.

5. Our team is responsible for monitoring the quality of products before they are shipped out to customers.

