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nerv是什么意思 nerv意为“神经”

导读:nerv一词源于拉丁语nervus,意为神经。它有多种含义,可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用。下面将分别介绍nerv的不同用法和例句。1. 名词作...


1. 名词


- The nerv that controls your sense of touch is located in your fingertips.(你触觉的神经位于你的指尖。)

- The nerv system is responsible for transmitting signals throughout the body.(神经负责在身体各处传递信号。)


- The optic nerv connects the eye to the brain.(视神经连接眼睛和大脑。)

- Damage to the facial nerv can cause paralysis on one side of the face.(面部神经受损会导致脸部一侧瘫痪。)

2. 动词


- I was really nerved by her sudden appearance.(她突然出现让我很紧张。)

- He was nerved by the thought of giving a speech in front of such a large audience.(想到要在这么多观众面前演讲让他感到紧张。)

3. 形容词


- She is a nerv person, always worrying about something.(她是个神经质的人,总是担心些什么。)

- The nerv tension in the room was palpable before the exam.(考试前,房间里充满了紧张气氛。)


1. The doctor examined her nerv system to determine the cause of her chronic headaches.

2. He was so nerved by the thought of asking his boss for a raise that he couldn't sleep the night before.

3. Her constant fidgeting and nail-biting showed how nerv she was about the upcoming job interview.

4. The nerv twitch in his eye indicated that he was feeling anxious or stressed.

5. After nerving himself for weeks, he finally mustered up the courage to ask her out on a date.

