导读:1. superman什么意思?的解释:Superman是一个英文单词,通常被翻译为超人,指的是具有超凡能力和强大力量的虚构人物。这个词源于1938年...
1. superman什么意思?的解释:
2. superman什么意思?读音读法:
3. superman什么意思?的用例:
- He is a real-life Superman, saving people from burning buildings.
- My son thinks he is Superman and can do anything.
- She has the strength of a superwoman, just like Superman.
- The superhero movie "Superman" was a big hit at the box office.
- I wish I had the powers of Superman so I could fly anywhere I wanted.
4. superman什么意思?组词:
- superhuman(超人类的,非凡的)
- superpower(超能力)
- superhero(超级)
- Superman syndrome(超人综合症,指自视过高、认为自己无所不能的心理疾病)
5. superman什么意思?的中英文对照:
Superman - 超人
/suprmn/ - /suprmn/
超凡能力和强大力量的虚构人物 - A fictional character with extraordinary abilities and great strength
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