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1. 作为名词使用:

- The Mars lander successfully touched down on the planet's surface. (火星登陆器成功着陆在火星表面。)

- The lunar lander is designed to withstand harsh conditions on the moon. (月球登陆器被设计来抵御月球上恶劣的条件。)

2. 作为动词使用:

- The spacecraft will attempt to land on the comet's surface next month. (宇宙飞船将会尝试在下个月降落在彗星表面。)

- The rover landed on Mars and began its mission to explore the planet. (探测车降落在火星并开始了探索这颗行星的任务。)


1. The probe will use a parachute to slow down before the lander touches down on the asteroid's surface. (探测器将会使用降落伞来减速,在登陆器着陆在小行星表面之前。)

2. The lander's thrusters fired, gently guiding it to a safe landing on the moon's surface. (登陆器的推进器点火,轻柔地引导它安全着陆在月球表面。)

3. The rover will collect samples and send them back to the lander for analysis. (探测车将会采集样本并将它们发送回登陆器进行分析。)

4. The lander successfully deployed its solar panels, providing power for its mission on the comet. (登陆器成功展开了太阳能板,为其在彗星上的任务提供能源。)

5. The spacecraft's lander is equipped with cameras and sensors to gather data about the planet's atmosphere. (宇宙飞船的登陆器配备有相机和传感器来收集有关这颗行星大气层的数据。)


1. probe:作为名词时,与lander意思相同,指的是一种用于探索其他天体表面的设备。

- The probe successfully landed on the comet's surface, sending back valuable data to Earth. (探测器成功降落在彗星表面,向地球发送了宝贵的数据。)

2. spacecraft:作为名词时,与lander意思相同,指的是一种载人或无人驾驶的航天飞行器。

- The spacecraft successfully landed on Mars, marking a major milestone in space exploration. (宇宙飞船成功降落在火星,标志着太空探索的重大里程碑。)

3. rover:作为名词时,与lander意思相同,指的是一种用于在其他天体表面移动的无人车辆。

- The rover collected soil samples and returned them to the lander for further analysis. (探测车收集了土壤样本并将它们返回给登陆器进行进一步的分析。)

4. touchdown:作为动词时,与lander意思相同,指的是飞行器或其他设备在其他天体表面安全着陆。

- The spacecraft successfully touched down on the asteroid, completing its mission. (宇宙飞船成功着陆在小行星上,完成了其任务。)
