导读:1. tomato怎么读?的解释:tomato是一种蔬菜,属于茄科植物,果实呈圆形或椭圆形,表面光滑,通常为红色或黄色。它含有丰富的维生素和矿...
1. tomato怎么读?的解释:
2. tomato怎么读?读音读法:
3. tomato怎么读?的用例:
1) I love to eat tomatoes in my salad.
2) Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C.
3) My mom makes delicious tomato soup.
4) You can use tomatoes to make pasta sauce.
5) Can you buy some tomatoes at the grocery store?
4. tomato怎么读?组词:
1) cherry tomato(樱桃番茄)
2) tomato sauce(番茄酱)
3) tomato juice(番茄汁)
4) tomato paste(番茄酱)
5) green tomato(青番茄)
5. tomato怎么读?的中英文对照:
tomato 番茄
6. 对整个内容做一个简单的总结: