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the asylum是什么意思 the asylum通常是指为了保护某些特定群体而设立的

导读:1.the asylum是指收容所或避难所,通常是指为了保护某些特定群体而设立的。:The government has set up an asylum for refugee...

1.the asylum是指收容所或避难所,通常是指为了保护某些特定群体而设立的。:The government has set up an asylum for refugees. (已经为难民设立了一个避难所。)

2.the asylum也可以指病院,特别是旧式的病院。:He was sent to the asylum after he showed signs of mental instability. (他在表现出不稳定的迹象后被送进了病院。)

3.除了以上两种意思,the asylum还可以指庇护。:The dissident sought asylum in a neighboring country. (那位在邻国寻求庇护。)

the asylum的用法和例句读音读法


the asylum是什么意思?the asylum的用法和例句的用例

1. The government has provided shelter and food for those seeking asylum from the war-torn country.


2. After being released from the asylum, she struggled to adjust to life outside its walls.


3. The journalist was granted political asylum in the country after facing threats in his home country.


4. The asylum was overcrowded with refugees seeking safety from the ongoing conflict.


5. The asylum was known for its inhumane treatment of patients, sparking public outrage and calls for reform.


the asylum是什么意思?the asylum的用法和例句组词

1. seek asylum (寻求庇护)

2. grant asylum (给予庇护)

3. political asylum (庇护)

4. mental asylum (病院)

5. refugee asylum (避难所)

the asylum是什么意思?the asylum的用法和例句的中英文对照

1.the government has set up an asylum for refugees.


2.he was sent to the asylum after he showed signs of mental instability.


3.the dissident sought asylum in a neighboring country.


4.after being released from the asylum, she struggled to adjust to life outside its walls.


5.the journalist was granted political asylum in the country after facing threats in his home country.


