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maintain的用法详解 maintain可以表示“保持”“维持”“维护”的意思



1. 作为动词,maintain可以表示“保持”、“维持”、“维护”的意思。:“We must maintain a positive attitude in the face of difficulties.”(我们必须在困难面前保持积极的态度。)这里的maintain强调了保持某种状态或态度的重要性。

2. 在法律上,maintain可以表示“主张”、“坚持”的意思。:“She maintains that she is innocent.”(她坚称自己是无辜的。)这里的maintain指代某人对自己的观点或立场的坚定和坚持。

3. 另外,maintain还可以表示“供养”、“赡养”的意思。:“He has to work hard to maintain his family.”(他必须努力工作来养家糊口。)这里的maintain指代某人负担家庭生活所需的经济支出。

4. 作为名词,maintain可以表示“保养”、“维护”的意思。:“Regular maintenance is necessary for the smooth operation of the machine.”(定期维护对机器的顺利运行至关重要。)这里的maintain指代对机器的保养和维护工作。

5. 另外,maintain还可以表示“主张”、“观点”的意思。:“His maintain is that education is the key to success.”(他的观点是教育是成功的关键。)这里的maintain指代某人对某一观点或主张的坚持和支持。


1. The company needs to maintain a good relationship with its customers in order to retain their loyalty.


2. He maintains his innocence even after being charged with the crime.


3. It's not easy to maintain a healthy lifestyle in today's fast-paced society.


4. The maintenance of the building is the responsibility of the landlord.


5. The government maintains that the new policy will benefit the majority of citizens.


