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stank是什么意思 "stank"是动词"sink"的过去式和过去分词形式意为“下沉陷入

导读:1. stank是什么意思?怎么用?"stank"是动词"sink"的过去式和过去分词形式,意为下沉,陷入,陷入困境。它通常用于描述物体或人因重量或...

1. stank是什么意思?怎么用?


- The ship slowly stank into the water.(这艘船慢慢地沉入水中。)

- The car got stuck in the mud and stank deeper with each attempt to move.(车子陷在泥里,每次试图移动都会越陷越深。)

2. stank是什么意思?怎么用?读音读法


3. stank是什么意思?怎么用?的用例

- The heavy box was too much for her to carry, causing her to stank to the ground.(那个沉重的盒子对她来说太重了,导致她倒在地上。)

- The old building had been abandoned for years and had begun to stink with mold and decay.(这座老旧的建筑已经废弃多年,开始散发霉味和腐烂味道。)

- His arrogance caused him to stink lower and lower in the eyes of his colleagues.(他的傲慢导致他在同事眼中越来越失去尊重。)

- The economy stank during the recession, with many people losing their jobs.(经济在衰退期间糟糕透顶,许多人失业。)

- The spoiled food stank up the entire kitchen.(变质的食物把整个厨房都弄得臭气熏天。)

4. stank是什么意思?怎么用?组词

- stank up:使...散发臭味

- stank down:使...下沉

- unstank:解除下沉状态

- stanker:下沉的人或物

- stinking:散发臭味的,令人讨厌的

5. stank是什么意思?怎么用?的中英文对照

stank: 下沉,陷入,陷入困境

sink: 下沉,陷入,沉没

