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ticktock什么意思 是由两个相同的单词“tick”和“tock”组合而成

导读:1. ticktock什么意思,ticktock的用法和例句的解释:ticktock是一个英语单词,也可以写作tick-tock,它是由两个相同的单词tick和tock组...

1. ticktock什么意思,ticktock的用法和例句的解释:


2. ticktock什么意思,ticktock的用法和例句读音读法:

读音为/tk tk/。

3. ticktock什么意思,ticktock的用法和例句的用例:

例句1:The clock on the wall kept ticking and tocking, reminding me of how quickly time was passing.


例句2:The old grandfather clock in the corner of the room made a comforting ticktock sound as it struck midnight.


例句3:I could hear the ticktock of my heart as I waited nervously for the exam results.


例句4:The raindrops fell with a steady ticktock on the roof of the car.


例句5:The metronome's ticktock helped me keep a steady pace while playing the piano.


4. ticktock什么意思,ticktock的用法和例句组词:


- ticktocker (n. 发出滴答声的人)

- ticktocking (adj. 发出滴答声的)

- unticktocked (adj. 没有发出过滴答声的)

- ticktocks (v. 发出滴答声)

5. ticktock什么意思,ticktock的用法和例句的中英文对照:


英文:tick-tock, clock, passage of time

