导读:1. take after的意思是像,与...相像,遗传。:She takes after her mother in terms of appearance.(她在外貌上像她的母亲。...
1. take after的意思是像,与...相像,遗传。:She takes after her mother in terms of appearance.(她在外貌上像她的母亲。)
2. take after的读音为/tek ft(r)/。
3. take after的用例:
(1)He takes after his father and is good at sports.(他像他父亲一样擅长运动。)
(2)The youngest daughter takes after her mother in terms of personality.(最小的女儿在个性上像她的母亲。)
(3)The son takes after his father and has a talent for music.(儿子像他父亲一样有音乐天赋。)
(4)She definitely takes after her grandmother in terms of cooking skills.(她在烹饪技巧方面绝对像她的祖母。)
(5)The daughter takes after her parents' love for traveling and has visited many countries.(女儿继承了父母对旅行的热爱,已经去过很多了。)
4. take after的组词:take after someone, take after one's parents, take after someone's footsteps, take after the family.
5. take after是指某人具有与另一人相似或相同的特点、性格或外貌,常用于描述后代与父母或祖辈之间的相似之处。
6. 对于take after这个词,我们可以理解为“像某人”、“继承某人的特点”或“遗传某人的特质”。它可以用来形容人与人之间的相似之处,也可以用来描述后代与祖辈之间的相似性。无论是外貌、性格还是兴趣爱好,都可以使用take after来表达。它也可以用来指代遗传某种疾病或天赋。
take after这个词对我来说是非常有意义的。它不仅让我能够更准确地描述他人,也让我更加了解自己的家族成员。学习和掌握这个词汇让我感受到语言表达能力的提升,同时也让我更加珍惜和欣赏家族之间的。因此,我希望大家都能够认真学习和使用这个词汇,让我们的语言表达更加精准、生动。