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taxi driver是什么意思 taxi driver是指从事出租车服务行业的人

导读:1. taxi driver是什么意思?的解释:taxi driver是指从事出租车服务行业的人,通常指驾驶出租车的司机。他们负责接送乘客到指定地点,...

1. taxi driver是什么意思?的解释:

taxi driver是指从事出租车服务行业的人,通常指驾驶出租车的司机。他们负责接送乘客到指定地点,收取相应的费用。

2. taxi driver是什么意思?读音读法:

[tksi dravr],其中taxis发音为/tksiz/,driver发音为/dravr/。

3. taxi driver是什么意思?的用例:

- The taxi driver drove me to the airport.


- The taxi driver took a shortcut to avoid traffic.


- The taxi driver was very friendly and chatted with me during the ride.


- The taxi driver helped me with my luggage.


- I left my phone in the taxi, but the honest taxi driver returned it to me.


4. taxi driver是什么意思?组词:

taxi stand (出租车站)

taxi fare (出租车费用)

taxi company (出租车公司)

taxi rank (出租车停靠点)

taxi license (出租车执照)

5. taxi driver是什么意思?的中英文对照:


英文:taxi driver

