导读:1. weakest是指弱的,不强壮的,或者有缺陷的。它可以用来形容人、物品或者概念。比如,他是家里最弱的一个,这件衣服的质量很差,这个...
1. weakest是指弱的,不强壮的,或者有缺陷的。它可以用来形容人、物品或者概念。比如,他是家里最弱的一个,这件衣服的质量很差,这个论点是最薄弱的。
2. weakest的读音为/wikst/,其中“ea”发音为/i/,“k”发音为/k/,“s”发音为/s/,“t”发音为/t/。
3. weakest可以用作形容词或者名词。作为形容词时,它可以修饰名词或者做表语。比如,the weakest link(最薄弱的环节),the weakest argument(最薄弱的论点)。作为名词时,它指代最弱的人或物品。比如,在这场比赛中,我们必须淘汰最弱的那个。
1. He is the weakest member of the team and always drags us down.
2. The weakest point in his argument is that he has no evidence to support it.
3. This bridge is the weakest link in our transportation system and needs to be reinforced immediately.
4. The weakest students in the class need extra help from the teacher.
5. She is physically the weakest among her siblings, but she has a strong will and determination.
4. weakest可以和其他词组合成一些常用短语。比如:
- at one's weakest(在某人最虚弱的时候):He always takes advantage of me when I am at my weakest.
- the weakest spot(最薄弱的地方):The weakest spot in our defense is the lack of manpower.
- weakest link(最薄弱的环节):Our team's weakest link is our goalkeeper.
- the weakest point(最薄弱的点):His speech was well-prepared, but the weakest point was his delivery.
- weakest side(最薄弱的一方):The company's financial situation is its weakest side.
5. 在中英文对照方面,weakest可以译为“最弱”的意思。比如,他是我见过的最弱的运动员(He is the weakest athlete I have ever seen)。也可以译为“最差”的意思。比如,这是我听过的最差的歌曲(This is the weakest song I have ever heard)。
6. 总结一下,weakest是一个形容人、物品或者概念强度不够、缺乏能力或者有缺陷的词汇。它可以用作形容词或者名词,在口语和书面语中都有广泛使用。它可以和其他词组合成常用短语,表达不同含义。在中英文对照方面,weakest可以译为“最弱”或者“最差”的意思。