导读:1. upgraded是指将某物或某人提升到更高的等级、质量或水平。它可以用作形容词,也可以用作动词。:The company recently upgraded ...
1. upgraded是指将某物或某人提升到更高的等级、质量或水平。它可以用作形容词,也可以用作动词。:The company recently upgraded its software to improve user experience.(这家公司最近升级了软件,以改善用户体验。)
2. upgraded的读音为/predd/,重音在第一个音节上。
3. 例句1:The airline has upgraded my seat to first class for free.(航空公司免费将我的座位升级到头等舱。)
例句2:We need to upgrade our equipment if we want to compete with other companies.(如果我们想要和其他公司竞争,就需要升级我们的设备。)
例句3:The school's facilities have been upgraded to meet the needs of students with disabilities.(学校的设施已经升级,以满足残疾学生的需求。)
例句4:He was upgraded from an intern to a full-time employee after only six months.(仅仅六个月后,他就从实习生升级为全职员工。)
例句5:The government plans to upgrade the country's infrastructure in the next five years.(计划在未来五年内升级基础设施。)
4. 组词:upgradeable (可升级的),upgrader (升级者),upgradable (可升级的),upgradeability (可升级性)
5. upgraded的中文意思为“升级、提升”,可以和“improve”(改善)“enhance”(增强)等词语替换。例句1:这家公司最近升级了软件,以改善用户体验。The company recently improved its software to enhance user experience.
例句2:如果我们想要和其他公司竞争,就需要升级我们的设备。We need to upgrade our equipment if we want to compete with other companies.
例句3:学校的设施已经升级,以满足残疾学生的需求。The school's facilities have been upgraded to meet the needs of students with disabilities.
例句4:仅仅六个月后,他就从实习生升级为全职员工。He was upgraded from an intern to a full-time employee after only six months.
例句5:计划在未来五年内升级基础设施。The government plans to upgrade the country's infrastructure in the next five years.
6. 总结:upgraded是指将某物或某人提升到更高的等级、质量或水平的动作或状态。它可以用作形容词或动词,读音为/predd/,重音在第一个音节上。它可以和“improve”、“enhance”等词语替换,用于描述改善、提升或增强某物或某人的状态。它的相关词汇有upgradeable、upgrader等。在词典行业中,对于新出现的词汇,我们需要对其进行解释、例句和组词,以及提供中英文对照,帮助读者更好地理解和使用这个词汇。因此,作为词典编辑人员,我们需要具备丰富的词汇知识和语言表达能力,以及良好的研究和编辑能力来完成这项工作。