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导读:alliances是一个英语单词,发音为[lansz]。它可以作名词,也可以作动词,意思是联盟、结盟、联合等。 作名词时,alliances指的是两个或多


作名词时,alliances指的是两个或多个团体、、组织等之间建立的关系或协议。这种关系通常是为了共同达成某种目标或解决某种问题。,“The two countries formed an alliance to fight against terrorism.”(这两个建立了联盟来打击。)

作动词时,alliances的意思是“结成联盟”。,“The two companies allied to create a new product.”(这两家公司结成联盟来推出一款新产品。)


1. alliances可以用来表示不同团体之间的友好关系和合作关系。,“The alliance between the two schools resulted in a successful cultural exchange program.”(这两所学校之间的联盟导致了一次成功的文化交流活动。)

2. alliances也可以指上的同盟关系。,“The alliance of the two parties secured their victory in the election.”(这两个政党的联盟确保了他们在中的胜利。)

3. alliances还可以用来表示商业上的合作关系。,“The alliance between the two companies brought about a significant increase in profits for both parties.”(这两家公司之间的联盟为双方带来了显著的利润增长。)

4. alliances也可以指上的同盟关系。,“The alliance between the two countries was formed to counter the threat of a common enemy.”(这两个之间的联盟是为了应对共同敌人的威胁。)

5. alliances还可以用来表示个人之间的友谊关系。,“Their strong alliance has lasted for more than 20 years.”(他们之间牢固的友谊已经持续了20多年。)


1. The alliance between the two companies proved to be beneficial for both parties, as they were able to share resources and expertise.

2. The political alliance between the two nations helped to maintain peace and stability in the region.

3. The strategic alliance between the two universities allowed for joint research projects and academic exchanges.

4. The military alliance between the two countries was formed in response to increasing threats from neighboring nations.

5. Their strong personal alliance has been a source of support and strength for both of them during difficult times.


1. The bond of alliances can bring about great success in achieving common goals, just like how bees work together to build a hive that produces sweet honey.

2. Alliances are like a double-edged sword, it can either be used for good or evil depending on how it is wielded.

3. In today's globalized world, forming alliances with other countries is crucial in tackling global issues such as climate change and terrorism.

4. The formation of an unlikely alliance between two rival companies shocked the business world, but it turned out to be a brilliant strategic move.

5. As the saying goes, "United we stand, divided we fall." This holds true for alliances as well, as a strong and united alliance can overcome any obstacle.

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