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profound是什么意思 来自于拉丁语的“profundus”意为“深远的”




1. 作为形容词,通常放在名词前面,用来形容某件事物或者某个人具有深远的意义或影响力。

:Her words had a profound effect on me.(她的话对我有着深远的影响。)

2. 可以用来形容某件事物或者某个人具有深刻的内涵或意义。

:The novel explores profound themes of love and loss.(这部小说探讨了关于爱和失去的深刻主题。)

3. 可以用来形容某件事物或者某个人具有强烈的感情或情感。

:I was deeply moved by the profound emotions expressed in his music.(他音乐中表现出来的强烈情感让我深受感动。)

4. 也可以用来指代知识、思想等方面具有非常高深、复杂的程度。

:The book is full of profound ideas that require careful consideration.(这本书充满了需要仔细思考的高深思想。)

5. 在口语中,也可以用来表示某件事物或者某个人非常厉害、出色。

:She has a profound understanding of the subject.(她对这个主题有着非常深刻的理解。)


1. The speaker's words had a profound impact on the audience, leaving them in deep thought.


2. It is important for us to have a profound understanding of different cultures in order to promote mutual understanding and respect.


3. The death of her father had a profound effect on her, and she couldn't s crying for days.


4. The professor's lectures were always filled with profound insights that left his students in awe.


5. His paintings were not only visually stunning, but also carried a profound message about the state of society.

