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yes的意思是什么 yes的意思是肯定的回答或同意

导读:1. yes的意思是肯定的回答或同意。2. yes的读音为/jes/,读法为英文单词yes的音标。3. yes的用例:例句1:Is the answer to the ...

1. yes的意思是肯定的回答或同意。

2. yes的读音为/jes/,读法为英文单词“yes”的音标。

3. yes的用例:

例句1:Is the answer to the question "Do you want to go out for dinner?" yes or no?

例句2:Yes, I would love to join you for dinner.

例句3:The vote was unanimous, with all members saying yes.

例句4:She nodded her head and said yes.

例句5:The teacher asked the students to raise their hands if they knew the answer, and many of them said yes.

4. yes的组词:

- affirmative (肯定的)

- consent (同意)

- agreement (一致)

- approval (批准)

- confirmation (确认)

5. yes的中英文对照:



