1. The king held his sceptre high, signifying his authority over the kingdom.(国王高举着他的权杖,象征着他对王国的权。)
2. The sceptre was passed down from generation to generation, symbolizing the continuity of the royal family's rule.(这根权杖代代相传,象征着皇室家族的延续。)
3. The queen's sceptre was adorned with precious gems, showcasing her wealth and power.(女王的权杖上镶嵌着珍贵的宝石,展示着她的财富和权力。)
4. The sceptre of democracy is in the hands of the people, who have the power to choose their leaders.(的权杖掌握在人民手中,他们有能力选择自己的。)
5. In ancient times, sceptres were often used in religious ceremonies as a symbol of divine authority.(在古代,权杖经常被用作仪式上神圣权威的象征。)
1. Despite being a constitutional monarchy, the queen still holds a sceptre as a symbol of her role as head of state.(尽管是君主立宪制,女王仍然持有一根权杖作为她作为元首的象征。)
2. The sceptre was handed down to the next in line for the throne, as tradition dictated.(权杖按照传统被传给了下一位王位继承人。)
3. The dictator ruled with an iron sceptre, crushing any opposition to his regime.(者用铁腕,任何反对他政权的力量。)
4. The ancient Egyptians believed that the pharaoh's sceptre held magical powers bestowed upon him by the gods.(古埃及人相信法老的权杖拥有神赐予的魔力。)
5. As a symbol of authority, the sceptre is often depicted in royal portraits and coats of arms.(作为权威的象征,权杖经常出现在皇室肖像和纹章中。)
上一篇:scse是什么意思 SCSE是指“计算机科学与工程学院”