导读:rate of exchange是指一种货币与另一种货币之间的比率,也称为汇率。它表示的是一种货币可以换取多少数量的另一种货币。汇率通常以数字...
rate of exchange是指一种货币与另一种货币之间的比率,也称为汇率。它表示的是一种货币可以换取多少数量的另一种货币。汇率通常以数字形式表示,1美元可以兑换多少日元或欧元。
用法方面,rate of exchange通常用于国际贸易和金融交易中。在国际贸易中,不同之间会使用不同的货币,因此需要通过汇率来换算价值。在金融交易中,投资者也会关注汇率的变化,以便在合适的时机进行买卖操作。
1. The rate of exchange between the US dollar and Japanese yen has been fluctuating in recent months.
2. The company is facing losses due to the unfavorable rate of exchange for their imported goods.
3. Many tourists are attracted to this country because of the favorable rate of exchange for their currency.
4. The central bank has announced a change in the rate of exchange, causing a ripple effect in the economy.
5. It is important for businesses to keep track of the current rate of exchange in order to make informed financial decisions.
1. Rate of exchange, or as some like to call it, the currency dance. It's the never-ending game of numbers between different countries' money.
2. As an investor, you have to keep an eye on that elusive number known as the rate of exchange, which can make or break your profits.
3. Have you ever wondered how much your money is worth in another country? Well, that's where the rate of exchange comes into play.
4. The rate of exchange is like a rollercoaster ride, with its constant ups and downs, keeping everyone on their toes.
5. In today's globalized world, the rate of exchange is crucial in determining the strength of a country's economy.
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