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tongue怎么读是什么意思 Tongue是一个多义词

导读:读音:[t],意思:1. 舌头;2. 语言;3. 方言;4. 味觉;5. (物体的)舌状部分。用法:1. 舌头的意思,通常指人类身体内的肌肉器...

读音:[t],意思:1. 舌头;2. 语言;3. 方言;4. 味觉;5. (物体的)舌状部分。


1. 舌头的意思,通常指人类身体内的肌肉器官,用于咀嚼、吞咽、说话和品尝食物。:He stuck his tongue out at me, making a face.(他伸出舌头做鬼脸给我看。)

2. 语言的意思,是指人类交流和表达思想感情的工具。:English is not my native tongue, but I can speak it fluently.(英语不是我的母语,但我能够流利地说。)

3. 方言的意思,是指某一地区或社群内使用的特定语言形式。:My grandparents speak a dialect that is different from the standard language in our country.(我的祖父母讲一种与我们标准语言不同的方言。)

4. 味觉的意思,是指感知食物味道的能力。:The spicy dish set my tongue on fire!(那道辛辣菜把我的舌头都烧起来了!)

5. (物体的)舌状部分的意思,可以指某些动植物身上具有舌状形状的部分,也可以指一些物体的形状类似舌头。:The tongue of the shoe was too tight, so it hurt my feet.(鞋子的舌头太紧了,所以把我的脚勒疼了。)


1. She couldn't believe her eyes when she saw the snake's forked tongue flickering in front of her face.


2. Learning a new tongue is not easy, but it's definitely worth the effort.


3. The old man spoke with a thick Scottish tongue that was hard for me to understand.


4. The sour taste of the lemon made my tongue tingle.


5. The lizard used its long, sticky tongue to catch insects for its dinner.



