1. Sperm is the male reproductive cell, also known as spermatozoon. (sperm是雄性生殖细胞,也称为精子。)
2. The sperm fertilizes the egg during sexual reproduction. (在性繁殖过程中,精子受精卵子。)
3. The sperm count can affect a man's fertility. (精液计数可以影响男性的生育能力。)
4. In vitro fertilization involves combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. (体外受精包括在实验室培养皿中结合卵子和精子。)
5. Some species of animals have external fertilization, where the sperm and egg meet outside of the body. (某些动物种类具有外部受精,在这种情况下,精子和卵子在体外相遇。)
1. The doctor recommended that he get his sperm count checked to determine if there were any fertility issues.
2. The sperm and egg must join together in order for fertilization to occur.
3. The sperm's tail helps it to swim towards the egg for fertilization.
4. The process of in vitro fertilization involves carefully selecting healthy sperm and eggs for fertilization.
5. External fertilization is common in aquatic animals, where the sperm and eggs are released into the water for fertilization to occur.