导读:themarine的正确发音是 /mrin/,重音在第二个音节上。它是由两部分组成的词,the和marine,意思是海的或海士。themarine通常指的是美国...
themarine的正确发音是 /mrin/,重音在第二个音节上。它是由两部分组成的词,the和marine,意思是“海的”或“海士”。
themarine通常指的是美国海陆战队(United States Marine Corps),是美国武装力量中的一个分支,负责执行陆地作战任务。它也被称为“海陆战队员”或“海陆战队士”。
1. The Marine Corps is known for its tough training and readiness for combat.
2. My brother is a proud member of the Marines.
3. The military base was heavily guarded by Marines.
4. She comes from a long line of Marines, with her father and grandfather both serving in the Corps.
5. The new recruit was excited to join the Marine Corps and serve his country.