导读:the moment可以翻译为此刻、时刻、片刻等,是指某个特定的时间点或者持续的一段时间。它可以表示一个重要的时刻,也可以指一个瞬间或者...
the moment可以翻译为“此刻”、“时刻”、“片刻”等,是指某个特定的时间点或者持续的一段时间。它可以表示一个重要的时刻,也可以指一个瞬间或者一段时间内发生的事情。
在英语中,the moment通常用作名词,也可以作为副词使用。作为名词时,它可以表示一个具体的时间点,也可以表示一个重要的时刻或者。:
1. We have been waiting for this moment for a long time. (我们已经等待了很久这一刻。)
2. The moment he saw her, he knew she was the one. (他一见到她就知道她就是那个人。)
3. This is the perfect moment to ask for a raise. (现在正是提出加薪要求的最佳时机。)
作为副词时,the moment通常修饰动词,表示某个动作发生的特定时间点。:
1. He arrived at the party the moment it started. (他在派对开始的那一刻到达。)
2. I will call you the moment I get home. (我回家后立即给你打。)
除了以上用法外,the moment还有其他一些含义和用法:
1. 在短语“at the moment”中,意为“此刻”、“现在”。:At the moment, I am too busy to talk. (此刻我太忙了,没法谈话。)
2. 在短语“for the moment”中,意为“暂时”、“目前”。:For the moment, let's focus on finishing this project. (暂时先专注于完成这个项目。)
3. 在短语“the last moment”中,意为“最后一刻”。:He always leaves everything until the last moment. (他总是把事情拖到最后一刻。)
4. 在短语“the right moment”中,意为“合适的时机”。:I am waiting for the right moment to propose to her. (我正在等待一个合适的时机向她求婚。)
1. The moment I saw her, I knew she was the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.
2. At that crucial moment, he made a split-second decision that changed his life forever.
3. For the moment, let's put aside our differences and focus on finding a solution to this problem.
4. The last moment before the deadline is always the most stressful for me.
5. She knew that this was the right moment to tell him how she truly felt.