1. 指代碳酸饮料
- I'm thirsty, let's grab some soda from the fridge.(我口渴了,我们从冰箱里拿些碳酸饮料吧。)
- Do you prefer Coke or Pepsi?(你更喜欢可乐还是百事可乐?)
- Can I have a glass of soda with my meal?(我可以点一杯碳酸饮料吗?)
2. 指代苏打水
- My mom always drinks soda with lemon when she has an upset stomach.(我妈妈胃不舒服时总是喝带柠檬的苏打水。)
- The doctor recommended that I drink soda to relieve my acid reflux.(医生建议我喝苏打水缓解我的胃酸倒流。)
- Some people believe that drinking soda can help with digestion.(有些人认为喝苏打水可以帮助消化。)
3. 指代小苏打
- You can use baking soda to make cookies rise.(你可以用小苏打让饼干发起来。)
- Baking soda is a common household cleaning product.(小苏打是常见的家庭清洁产品。)
- Mix vinegar and baking soda to create a natural cleaning solution.(混合醋和小苏打可以制作出一种天然的清洁剂。)
4. 指代纯碱
- The laundry detergent contains soda, which helps remove stains.(洗衣粉里含有纯碱,可以帮助去除污渍。)
- My grandma used to use soda to clean her silverware.(我奶奶过去常用纯碱来清洁银器。)
- Soda is also used in the production of glass and soap.(纯碱也被用于玻璃和肥皂的生产中。)
1. Soda pop:这是一种美式英语,指代碳酸饮料。
- Can I have a soda pop with my burger?(我可以点一杯汉堡配的碳酸饮料吗?)
2. Soda fountain:这是指用于制作碳酸饮料的机器。
- The soda fountain at the diner is broken, so we can't get any drinks.(小餐馆里的制作碳酸饮料的机器坏了,所以我们无法喝到任何东西。)
3. Soda water:这是指不含糖的苏打水。
- I prefer to drink soda water instead of sugary drinks.(我更喜欢喝不含糖的苏打水而不是含糖饮料。)
4. Soda jerk:这是指在药店或冰淇淋店工作的年轻服务员。
- When I was a teenager, I worked as a soda jerk at the local drugstore.(我十几岁时,在当地药店做过一个年轻服务员。)
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