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vegetable怎么读 vegetable是什么意思

导读:vegetable的读音为 /vdtbl/,是一个名词,指的是一种植物,通常指可以作为食物或蔬菜的植物。它也可以用作形容词,表示健康的、有益健康...

vegetable的读音为 /vdtbl/,是一个名词,指的是一种植物,通常指可以作为食物或蔬菜的植物。它也可以用作形容词,表示健康的、有益健康的。


在日常生活中,我们经常会听到关于vegetable的用法。,“I love eating vegetables.”(我喜欢吃蔬菜。)“Vegetables are good for your health.”(蔬菜对健康有益。)

除了作为食物外,vegetable还可以指植物性的东西或者事物。,“Vegetable oil is used for cooking.”(植物油被用于烹饪。)“She has a vegetable garden in her backyard.”(她在后院有一个菜园。)

在英语中,vegetable也可以用来形容某人或某事显得呆板、无趣或缺乏活力。,“He just sat there like a vegetable, not saying a word.”(他就像个木头一样坐在那里,一句话都没说。)“The meeting was so boring, I felt like a vegetable.”(太无聊了,我感觉自己像个呆子。)

除了作为名词和形容词外,vegetable还可以作动词使用,意为“种植蔬菜”。,“We are going to vegetable our garden this weekend.”(我们这周末要在花园里种蔬菜。)


1. Eating a variety of vegetables is important for a balanced diet.


2. I don't like vegetables, but I know they are good for me.


3. This soup is made with fresh vegetables from my garden.


4. She's been in a coma for weeks and the doctors say she's just a vegetable now.


5. We need to vegetable our farm if we want to have fresh produce all year round.


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