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导读:What is the English translation of "骚"?Meaning:"骚" is a Chinese word that can have different meanings dependin...

What is the English translation of "骚"?



"骚" is a Chinese word that can have different meanings depending on the context. It can be used to describe someone or something as being provocative, flirtatious, or sexually suggestive. It can also refer to something being cool, trendy, or fashionable.


The word "骚" is commonly used in spoken language and informal writing. It is often used to describe someone's behavior or appearance, such as "他很骚" (He is very provocative) or "她穿得很骚" (She dresses very provocatively). It can also be used to describe an object or situation as being cool or trendy, for example, "这个手机很骚" (This phone is very fashionable).

Example Sentences:

1. 我的朋友很骚,每次出去都会吸引很多男生注意。

My friend is very provocative, she always attracts a lot of guys when we go out.

2. 这个歌曲的节奏非常骚,我喜欢听。

The rhythm of this song is very cool, I like listening to it.

3. 她的穿着总是很骚,但是她却从来不在意别人怎么看她。

She always dresses provocatively but she never cares about what others think of her.

4. 他的言语举止都很骚,让人觉得有点反感。

His words and actions are all provocative, which makes people feel a little disgusted.

5. 这家店里卖的衣服都特别骚,我都想买一件。

The clothes sold in this store are all very trendy, I want to buy one.

In conclusion, the word "骚" has a wide range of meanings and can be used in various situations. It is important to pay attention to the context when using this word to avoid any misunderstandings.



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