1. 作为形容词,new可以修饰名词,表示某物或某人是新的。:
- This is my new car. (这是我的新车。)
- She just got a new job. (她刚刚得到了一份新工作。)
2. 作为名词,new可以指代新闻或最近发生的事情。:
- Did you hear the news? There's a new restaurant opening in town. (你听说了吗?镇上有一家新餐厅要开业了。)
- I'm always excited to try something new. (我总是很兴奋尝试一些新东西。)
3. 作为副词,new可以表示“重新”、“再次”等含义。:
- Let's start over with a new plan. (让我们用一个新计划重新开始吧。)
- My phone broke, so I had to buy a new one. (我的手机坏了,所以我不得不买一个新的。)
1. I need some new clothes for the party tonight.
2. The company is launching a new product next month.
3. Have you seen the new movie that just came out?
4. My parents just moved into a new house in the suburbs.
5. I'm looking for a new job with better pay and benefits.
1. brand-new:指全新、崭新的,常用于形容物品。
- I just bought a brand-new car.
2. novel:指新奇、独特的,常用于形容想法、方法等。
- This is a novel approach to solving the problem.
3. fresh:指刚出现或产生不久的,常用于形容感觉或食物。
- The smell of fresh flowers filled the room.
4. modern:指符合当代潮流或时尚的,常用于形容设计、建筑等。
- The house has a modern look with its sleek design and large windows.
5. up-to-date:指最新的、最近的,常用于形容信息或知识。
- I always make sure to keep up-to-date with the latest news.