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apple said yes怎么翻译?

导读:翻译apple said yes有很多种方式,取决于上下文和语境。下面将介绍几种不同的翻译方式,并附上一些例句作为参考。 1 苹果公司表示同

翻译apple said yes有很多种方式,取决于上下文和语境。下面将介绍几种不同的翻译方式,并附上一些例句作为参考。

1. 苹果公司表示同意


- Apple said yes to the proposed merger with XYZ company.


- After much negotiation, Apple finally said yes to the new contract terms.


2. 苹果说好了


- The two companies had been at odds for years, but finally Apple said yes and agreed to collaborate on a new project.


- It took a lot of convincing, but eventually Apple said yes to the proposal from the environmental group.


3. 苹果答应了


- The fans had been asking for a new feature for years, and finally Apple said yes and promised to include it in the next update.


- The company's CEO was hesitant at first, but eventually Apple said yes to the idea of expanding into new markets.


4. 苹果同意了


- After much debate, Apple finally said yes to the proposal to increase employee benefits.


- The government had been pressuring them for months, but in the end Apple said yes and agreed to pay higher taxes.


5. 苹果赞成了


- The new policy was met with resistance from many companies, but Apple said yes and publicly endorsed it.


- The team had been working on the project for months, and finally Apple said yes and praised their efforts.


翻译apple said yes可以根据具体情况采取不同的方式,可以是直接翻译、口语化表达或者描述苹果公司的态度和回应。希望以上几种方式能够帮助你更好地理解和使用这个表达。

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