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导读:释义: Bust一词可以作为名词、动词和形容词使用,具有多种含义。作为名词时,它可以指胸部、半身像、突破和失败等;作为动词时,它可以




1. 作为名词时,bust通常指女性的胸部,也可以指雕塑或画像中的上半身部分。:"She has a large bust size."(她的胸围很大。)"The museum has a collection of ancient busts."(这家博物馆收藏了古代的半身像。)

2. 作为动词时,bust常用于口语中,意思是“打破”、“逮捕”或“破产”。:"The police busted the criminals."(逮捕了罪犯。)"He busted the window with a rock."(他用一块石头打碎了窗户。)"The company went bust last year."(这家公司去年破产了。)

3. 作为形容词时,bust通常表示“爆满”的意思,特别是在描述场所或活动时使用。:"The club was busting at the seams with people."(这家俱乐部挤满了人。)"The concert was a bust."(这场音乐会很失败。)


1. She wore a low-cut dress to show off her ample bust.


2. The museum's collection includes busts of famous historical figures.


3. The police busted the drug ring after months of investigation.


4. He accidentally busted the vase while trying to dust it.


5. The party was a total bust, with only a few people showing up.



1. Her bust size has increased since she started working out at the gym.

2. The museum's collection of ancient Roman busts is one of the largest in the world.

3. The police busted the illegal gambling den and arrested several suspects.

4. He was so angry that he almost busted the door down when he couldn't find his keys.

5. The new restaurant in town turned out to be a bust, with terrible food and service.


1. She couldn't believe her luck when she won first prize in the raffle – it was a real bust!

2. The artist's latest exhibition was a bust, with critics panning it as unoriginal.

3. The police busted the party and everyone scattered in different directions.

4. He was busted for shoplifting and had to pay a fine.

5. The company's new product launch was a bust, with sales falling far below expectations.

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