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导读:calves是指哺乳动物的幼崽,特别是牛、鹿、羊等的幼崽。它们通常出生后就能站立和走动,但仍然需要母亲的哺乳来生长和发育。 calves作为




1. 描述牛、鹿、羊等哺乳动物的幼崽时,:The calves were grazing in the field.(小牛在田野上吃草。)

2. 描述人类身体部位时,:He has muscular calves from running every day.(他每天跑步,小腿肌肉很发达。)

3. 在农业领域,指种植园中的幼苗或树木时,:The farmer planted new calves in the orchard.(农民在果园里种植了新的幼苗。)

4. 在海洋生物学中,指鲸类和海豚等哺乳动物的幼崽时,:The mother whale was swimming with her calf by her side.(母鲸带着她身边的小鲸一起游泳。)

5. 用于比喻性语境中,指某人的子女或学生时,:The teacher was proud of her calves who all got accepted into universities.(老师为她所有被顶尖大学录取的学生感到骄傲。)

calves可以作为动词calve的第三人称单数形式,意为“分娩”或“产下幼崽”。:The cow calved last night and now has a new calf.(那头母牛昨晚分娩了,现在有了一个新的小牛犊。)



1. The calves were happily playing in the field, while their mothers grazed nearby.


2. She has been training hard to strengthen her calves for the upcoming marathon.


3. The farmer planted new apple tree calves in his orchard, hoping for a good harvest next year.


4. The mother whale and her calf were swimming gracefully in the ocean, enjoying the warm sun.


5. The professor was proud of his calves who all went on to become successful doctors and lawyers.



1. The calves were basking in the sun, their soft fur shining under the golden rays.

2. She had a tattoo of a small calf on her ankle, representing her love for animals.

3. The farmer's cows were calving, and he was busy making sure all the newborn calves were healthy.

4. The marine biologist was studying the behavior of humpback whale calves with their mothers in their natural habitat.

5. The coach made his players do calf raises as part of their training routine to strengthen their leg muscles.

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