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用法:youngchildren是一个合成词,由形容词“young”和名词“children”组成。它可以作为主语、宾语或定语出现在句子中。:“Young children are full of curiosity and energy.”(年幼的孩子充满了好奇心和活力。)“The teacher is responsible for the education of young children.”(老师负责教育年幼的孩子。)“The school provides a safe and stimulating environment for young children to learn and grow.”(学校为年幼的孩子提供安全而有刺激性的学习环境,让他们得以成长。)


1. It's important for parents to spend quality time with their young children, as it helps to build a strong bond between them.

2. The playground is always filled with the laughter of young children playing together.

3. The book is designed specifically for young children, with colorful illustrations and simple language.

4. It's not easy being a teacher of young children, but it's also one of the most rewarding jobs in the world.

5. Young children are like sponges, they absorb everything around them and learn at an incredible pace.


Young children, the little ones who are full of wonder and curiosity. They are the future of our society, and it is our responsibility to nurture them and help them grow into confident and capable individuals. These young children are like blank canvases, waiting to be filled with knowledge, skills, and experiences. As parents or teachers, we must guide them with patience, love, and understanding.


Ah yes, young children. The tiny humans who can bring both joy and chaos into our lives. Their boundless energy and endless questions can be exhausting at times, but their innocence and pure hearts make it all worth it. Watching them learn new things every day is a true blessing. We must protect and cherish these young children as they are the future leaders of our world.


Young children are like tiny bundles of joy that bring light into our lives. Their laughter is contagious and their imagination knows no bounds. As adults, we often forget the magic of childhood but being around young children reminds us to see the world through their innocent eyes. They may be small in size but they have the potential to achieve great things in life.


The little ones, the young children who are just starting their journey in this world. They may stumble along the way but with our guidance and support, they will learn to walk confidently towards their dreams. It's amazing how much these young children can teach us about life – to live in the moment, to forgive easily, and to love unconditionally.


Young children – a precious gift that we must treasure with all our hearts. They may test our patience at times but their innocent smiles make it all worth it. Let's create a safe and nurturing environment for these young minds to blossom into kind, compassionate individuals who will make this world a better place.

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