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导读:1 clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?读作[kloz]。 2 clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?英式发音为[klz],美式发音为[kloz]

1. clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?读作[kloz]。

2. clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?英式发音为[klz],美式发音为[kloz]。

3. clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?用例:

例句1:I need to buy some new clothes for the winter.

例句2:She folded her clothes neatly and put them in the drawer.

例句3:He changed his clothes before going to the party.

例句4:The store sells a variety of clothes, from casual wear to formal attire.

例句5:She donated her old clothes to a charity organization.

4. clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?组词:

1) summer clothes 夏季服装

2) designer clothes 名牌服装

3) sports clothes 运动服装

4) baby clothes 婴儿服装

5) work clothes 工作服装

5. clothes的音标是[klz],clothes怎么读?中英文对照:

1) 中文意思:衣服;服装

2) 英文单词:clothes

3) 音标:[klz]

4) 词性:名词

6. 简单总结:


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