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1. 作为名词,aperture指的是物体表面上的孔隙或者开口。:

- The camera's aperture controls the amount of light that enters the lens.


- The telescope's aperture is too small to capture clear images of distant stars.


2. 在摄影术中,aperture也指相机镜头内部可调节大小的圆形开口,用于进入相机感光元件(如胶片或传感器)的光量。它通常由一系列数字表示(如f/1.4、f/2.8等),数值越小表示光圈越大,进入相机的光量也就越多。:

- A large aperture (such as f/1.4) is ideal for low-light situations, while a small aperture (such as f/16) is better for bright, sunny days.


- To achieve a shallow depth of field, you can use a wide aperture (such as f/2.8) to blur the background and make your subject stand out.


3. 在物理学中,aperture指的是光束通过的限制区域或者孔隙。:

- The telescope's aperture was designed to be large enough to capture faint light from distant galaxies.


- The laser beam was focused through a small aperture to create a precise cutting tool.



1. Adjusting the aperture on your camera can greatly impact the exposure of your photos.


2. The telescope's aperture was too small to capture clear images of the distant planet.


3. The photographer used a wide aperture to create a beautiful bokeh effect in the background.


4. The microscope's aperture was adjusted to allow more light to pass through and reveal the tiny organisms on the slide.


5. The laser beam was directed through a small aperture to create a precise dot on the surface of the material.



1. Opening:作为名词,opening与aperture有相似的意思,指物体表面的开口或者孔隙。

- The opening on the camera lens can be adjusted to control the amount of light that enters.


2. Hole:作为名词,hole也可以指物体表面上的孔隙或者开口。

- The hole in the fence allowed us to see into our neighbor's yard.


3. Gap:作为名词,gap表示两个物体之间的空隙或者缝隙。

- The gap between the two buildings was just wide enough for a person to squeeze through.


4. Orifice:作为名词,orifice指物体表面的小孔或者开口,通常用于科学和医学领域。

- The doctor inserted a small tube into the orifice to drain the fluid from the patient's lungs.



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