导读:翻译队长英语有多种说法,常见的有Captain English、Leader's English、Commander's English等。其含义是指在团队中担任领导...
翻译队长英语有多种说法,常见的有“Captain English”、“Leader's English”、“Commander's English”等。其含义是指在团队中担任领导角色的人所使用的英语,通常具有一定的权威性和指挥性。
1. As the captain of the team, John always uses his fluent Captain English to communicate with his teammates and lead them to victory.
2. In order to improve our team's performance, our coach suggested that we should all learn the Leader's English from our captain.
3. The commander's English is not only about language skills, but also about leadership and teamwork.
4. As a team leader, it is important to have good Commander's English in order to effectively communicate with team members and make strategic decisions.
5. Sarah was chosen as the captain of the debate team because of her excellent Commander's English and strong leadership abilities.