导读:一:available的用法详解的意思 available是一个形容词,表示可用的,可获得的,可接受的。它来自于拉丁语中的词根avail,意为有益处,有
1. 作为形容词使用时,available通常放在名词前面作定语。
- The latest version of the software is now available for download.
- Is there a table available for our meeting?
2. 也可以作为不及物动词使用,表示“可获得,可使用”。
- The tickets are available at the box office.
- The information is available on the company's website.
3. 另外,available还可以用作名词,表示“可利用之物”或者“备选项”。
- We have many availables for you to choose from.
- There are no availables left in this store.
1. The hotel has no rooms available for tonight.
2. The new product will be available in stores next month.
3. Is there any information available on the upcoming event?
4. The doctor is only available for appointments on weekdays.
5. I'm sorry, but this item is not currently available.
1. accessible:指容易获得或接近的,强调便利性。
2. obtainable:指可以获得的,多用于抽象概念。
3. ready:指随时可以使用的,强调准备就绪。
4. usable:指可被使用的,强调实用性。
5. at hand:指手边现有的,强调就近取得。
- These books are easily accessible in the library.
- The information is obtainable through various sources.
- We need to have a plan ready for any emergency situations.
- This tool is very usable for repairing small items.
- I always keep some snacks at hand in case of hunger.