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导读:一:aspects是什么意思?aspects的用法和例句的意思 Aspects一词可以作为名词或动词使用,作为名词时,它的意思是方面、方向、特征、观点




1. 名词用法:

- The movie explores different aspects of human nature. (这部电影探讨了人性的不同方面。)

- She is an expert in all aspects of finance. (她是金融各个方面的专家。)

- This course covers various aspects of marketing. (这门课程涵盖了营销的各个方面。)

2. 动词用法:

- We need to aspect the situation from all angles. (我们需要从各个角度来考虑这种情况。)

- He is always aspecting things in a negative way. (他总是以消极的方式来看待事物。)


1. The city has many interesting aspects, such as its history, culture, and architecture.


2. The job requires you to be able to handle different aspects of the business.


3. The professor will discuss various aspects of the research in his lecture.


4. It's important to consider all aspects of a problem before making a decision.


5. The report only covers certain aspects of the issue and ignores others.



1. Synonyms for “aspects”:

- facets: 指事物不同的特性或方面。

- angles: 指从不同角度来看待事物。

- perspectives: 指某人对事物的看法或观点。

2. 同义词用法:

- The project has many different facets that need to be considered. (这个项目有很多不同的特性需要被考虑。)

- She approached the problem from different angles and finally found a solution. (她从不同角度来处理问题,最终找到了解决方法。)

- We have different perspectives on this issue, so we need to discuss it further. (我们对这个问题有不同的观点,因此需要进一步讨论。)
